Computer Files - Organise, tidy, clear out ( organize files )

How many times have you heard this,

"My Computer is a mess pictures, documents and files all over the place, lots of duplicates and my hard drive is running out of space"


Where do I start?

Easy, first learn about Windows Explorer

What is Windows Explorer? is the next question I am usually asked.

Just like Internet Explorer the clue is in the name.
It allows you to see, move, delete or change files on your Windows Computer system
(More information can be found here)

On older Windows Systems it used to be called File Manager

I would suggest you start with your MY PICTURES folder

By changing the view of files you can list them in different orders by filename, modified date, created date, type or size

The View can be change in Windows Explorer using the View Drop Down

This allows you to change the view to one of the following:-
  • Tiles
  • Details
  • Lists
  • ICONS or THUMBNAILS depending on which version of Windows you are running

Start by creating folders for each year, then move all photos for that year into the folder.
Now run a search on those photos, sort by name, then view Thumbnails or ICONS to see DUPLICATES

Delete those not required

Work through each folder in turn and then create sub-folders for EVENT NAMES, Birthdays, Weddings etc. and move photos relevant into the specific sub-folder

I am now giving a one to one Training Course designed to show you how to clean and organise the files on your computer for further information please contact Peter on 020 8342 1882 or 07713 330310 or send an email to

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